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Board of Consultants

Within Prima Plants Research and Development, not only do we have a team of experienced managers and directors but also a ‘board of consultants’.


Our objective is to ensure we manage our plantations and offer clients factual and unbiased advice and consultancy.


'When you visit a medical practitioner, you may request a second and third opinion to ensure you have as much information as possible to ensure the most informed decision can be made at that moment in time. Within PPRD with our board of consultants we offer our clients the best possible advice' (Albert Bruinekool)


Within Prima Plants Research and Development, not only do we have a team of experienced managers and Within PPRD we use a 3-tier system of managers, directors and ‘board of consultants’ to review the performance of the trees and plantation to offer maximum benefit to our clients and investors.


Any issues or symptoms of a tree that are un-known, or require further diagnosis can be referred up each tier until a solution / action is determined. All of this can be done from the comfort of the consultant’s home without a need to visit the plantation due to the use of photos and AV.


On a monthly (or as required basis) our consultants sit down (virtually) with our CEO to collectively review issues raised from the plantation, clients and investors. The objective is to provide a factual and unbiased recommendation, effectively offering from within PPRD a second and third opinion. An opinion that is actively debated between the experts, thus offering the best possible recommendation at that moment in-time based upon our collective knowledge, experience and information available.

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